Thursday, August 8, 2024

Olympic Issues


Olympic Issues

This column has been a long time coming. I have had it on the back burner for a while now, because words, once uttered or written, are hard to take back. I have had to think and consider. Then turn it around. I have had to listen carefully, then shut up, then listen some more. Astute persons will note on my face book page I entered one word on July 28th, 2024. That word is iconography. By itself, it does not mean much. Behind it is a plethora of thoughts and feelings, brought to the forefront by a tragic display of rudeness, which some people not only defended, but supported. I’m talking about the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in France.

There are three reasons why I am certain the event was done purposefully as an insult to Christianity.

The first reason I am certain this event was staged this way publicly is because of the positions of the actors on one side of the table. This is the same manner in which Jesus and the apostles are positioned in The Last Supper by Leonardo DaVinci. There is no mistaking these poses with the white cloth before the participants took a later picture showing off for the camera.

The second reason is the circular halo around the head of the central character on the table, with rays stretching out. This is supposed to be symbolic of holiness. While it is not limited exclusively to Christian paintings, it is most often associated with a stylistic form of art called iconography, which was used to emphasize a holy life. The paintings done in this manner are sometimes called icons.

The third reason are the words of the central figure in the picture. Immediately following the opening ceremonies, a picture was posted on Instagram by “Barbara Butch.” It stated “Oh yes! Oh yes! The New Gay Testament!” with a comparison picture above and below. Three hours later, this Instagram post was deleted and an excuse was concocted that the picture was meant to portray the Greek gods. Nope. Please see the illustration for this article which is posted.

If you know me and, in any way, shape or form you stuck up for those who did this, you really, really hurt me. More than I can comfortably put into words. I forgive you, but know that this is not something I can quickly forget.

There is a reason why Jesus said in Matthew 5 “Whoever says ‘you fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.” The reason is they are calling out God’s creation in a way it was not made. (Thanks to Pastor Eb for his series on the Beatitudes.) When people lower the value of human life, they are demeaning the worth of people who were created in God’s image. God loves the entire world and gave His son for everyone. This portrayal calls Jesus and his apostles in a manner which they are not. This is sinful and shameful. The participants are dressed in a manner to mock gender (in my opinion) and the positions these figures hold in Christendom. All persons are worthy of respectful behavior. Even the thief on the cross received mercy and forgiveness. So yes, I forgive all the persons involved. This event should never be repeated or tolerated, however.

I have lost all possible interest and goodwill in the Olympics. It is no longer a celebration of mankind’s achievements. It has become something worse- a caricature of itself. I’ll post the references in the comments.


Armchair Coach

Amateur Historian