Tuesday, May 19, 2020

UFOs What I Believe and Why

Above- UFO seen in China

UFOs What I Believe and Why

Some have inquired about my thoughts on UFOs. It is a subject I have been interested in for many decades. In that time I have done amateur research into the subject. Some sources of information have good reasoning for a basis of credibility and others are sheer crap. I myself was fooled once, many years ago, and since that time have had a higher standard and more skeptical attitude towards what sources I have any degree of trust.

That being said, I wanted to go into what sources I place the highest degree of confidence in, and why. I consider myself fortunate that I personally have never seen a UFO, nor do I desire to. I am convinced that there are greater forces that exist on this Earth than what we can see with our eyes.
I’ll start with a story that really happened to me. I’ll include a word of caution. If you know the man I refer to, please do not ask him about it or make any inquiries. Although I have made him anonymous, I’d like to protect my promise to him in spirit if not to the letter. 

I Was Confirmed

About 20 years ago, I had a conversation with a colleague that I was not expecting. This gentleman was a widely liked and respected member of the faculty at the school where I was employed. He was an excellent teacher with a dry wit, professional expertise in our field, and a volunteer at many charitable functions.

At the time my interest with UFOs was known among the faculty. In jest to poke fun at myself I even made a folded tin foil hat I wore around the school for half a day. I was a science teacher, and felt that skepticism was important. Still do. However, I could not put aside the nagging idea that many details of UFO encounters would be repeated over and over again across the world.

This colleague whom I will call James invited me to his room one day after school. I stopped by thinking it would be school related. I was not expecting the discussion that would follow.
James stated in a quiet voice “Glenn, as you might know, you are known around the school as the UFO nut. Well, they are all wrong and you are right.” (His words)
I leaned forward in the chair on the other side of his desk and scrunched up my eyebrows. Was I hearing this correctly?

James continued. “What I am about to share with you is personal and private. If I am asked about it, I will deny any knowledge that this conversation took place. I trust you will not share this.”

“Of course,” I replied.

“Okay then. When I was very young, about 9 years old, my brother and I saw an extraterrestrial vehicle. It was very large and cigar shaped. It was hovering just above the dirt road about 50 feet ahead of us. We just came upon it through some trees. There was no sound that would give it away. We approached it until we were very close, and that was the last thing I remembered about the encounter. My brother has refused to discuss the incident since that day. I can’t say that I blame him.”

I asked for some clarifying details. James responded “It was about the size of a blimp, but cigar shaped. It was clearly made of metal, and hovered about 10 feet off the ground.”

I left his room that day feeling wonder and curiosity. Certainly, there seems to be more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. I feel 95% of the stuff that is pumped out by UFO-related media, such as TV shows is pure crap. The rest merits consideration. While science is great for testing objective conditions and properties in experiments that can be measured with the five senses and repeated, it is not good at all for measuring objects which do not sit still and do not adhere to the laws of physics and aerodynamics. They have been recorded on Navy FLIR cameras. 

Science researchers are not ready to give the phenomenon the credit and acceptability it needs for study. Indeed, any mention gets pilots grounded, military personnel passed over for promotion, and university staff blacklisted. Ego and establishment it seems, trumps even filmed proof. 

Now, onto the examination of accounts and eye witnesses. I find the story of Bob Lazar to be the most interesting and reputable. 

Bob Lazar

One can find a lot of information on Bob Lazar’s claims on the internet. One of the reasons I view them with consideration is that his story has not changed one iota in many decades. Some have tried to trip him up, but he always denies anything other than his original story. 

So what are his claims? That the facilities for studying alien craft and for attempting to replicate their abilities are separate facilities in Area 51 and that they are highly compartmentalized. His description of the badges used to access facilities on the base are accurate. He has described the kitchen facilities and mess hall at Area 51 correctly as well, and this has been confirmed.

Lazar further makes some remarkable claims about how gravitational waves may be produced and controlled, and that the power necessary for producing this effect is gained from breaking down a stable isotope of element 115. 

One thing I did not know until very recently was that Lazar, back in the early 90s, refers to Project Looking Glass, which surprised me. I had heard about this from another source, but had not placed much weight behind the fantastic claims that Project Looking Glass makes. More about that later.

To his detriment, Lazar lied about his credentials. While he claims records have gone missing since he made public his expose’, some records have turned up in the form of printed sources which could not be erased after the fact. His tax form from the Office of Naval Intelligence shows he was involved. 


Steven Greer

It is my opinion that Dr. Greer gets it about 80% right. What he gets wrong however, he gets very wrong.

Dr. Greer certainly has some credentials. He has briefed the director of the CIA at one point, and numerous other government officials. This is without question, as he has the paperwork to document and back up these meetings and their purpose. So what does Steven Greer have to say?

He states that there is a small part of government associated with the military and private industry that keeps UFO technology secret. It was this group that Eisenhower was warning about, Greer states, in his warning about the military industrial complex. This was affirmed by the dying man, whom I will address shortly.

Greer states that the “visitors,” as he calls them, have mastered DNA manipulation to such an extent that they can create biological constructs, artificial beings. He states that some UFOs are even sentient to a degree and have a certain amount of awareness. 

Greer states the visitors are concerned about humanity and our war-like ways. He states that with the ability to access great technological power, this is a concern because this technology, if used in the wrong way and in the wrong hands, could literally destroy the world. This is the reason for the cover up, along with energy and economic concerns.  

What Greer gets wrong in my opinion is about the future of humanity. Greer advocates for a spiritual mind changing evolution of humanity in order to communicate with the visitors. He advocates the practice of remote viewing and certain kinds of eastern meditation. I disagree on two counts. First, this practice has the possibility of opening spiritual doors. I am firmly convinced there is a spirit realm which is not understood completely by us, with our very limited 5 senses. When one starts dabbling in this practice, one cannot know what doors are opened or what consequences result.

For example, an incident from 1991, from the US Army’s Stargate Project, which was the government’s remote viewing program (not to be confused with the TV show.) One viewer was tasked (without knowing the objective- all they are given are some numbers which correspond to a hidden case file at another location) with remote viewing an installation on the far side of the moon. When his presence was detected by the “visitors” who were there, he realized he was trespassing and received a very bad reaction, with many eyes and minds focused on him. Remote viewing is not something to mess around with. 

Further, in his attempt to force his brand of evolution on humanity, Greer throws the baby out with the bathwater.  There is something special about being human. The ability to love, to give, to experience the wonder and pain that is life. I emphasized this in my novel. One does not need to be like the visitors in order to communicate with them. We should cherish our humanity which is a gift from God.


The Rendlesham Forest Incident

Colonel Charles Halt wrote a memorandum after the incident which was conveniently “lost” after he forwarded it up the chain of command. If not for a carbon for the copy of the memo which was found later, the entire incident would have been covered up. 

There are two witnesses, young E-2s, security officers, who also report an entirely separate incident during the nights of encounters that make the sightings and evidence more solid to me. Evidence remains of pictures and indentations in the ground where a craft had landed. These were preserved with plaster-of-paris. 

The Rendlesham Forest Incident is well documented, and you can look up the information for yourself. 


Richard Doty

I find his interview with Steven Greer fascinating. Richard Doty worked for decades with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. His interview resonates with me as being genuine. There are several instances where Doty refuses to answer Greer’s questions, citing his oath to national security. In one instance, Greer tricks Doty into answering one of the questions he previously refused to answer. This is a tactic used for criminal investigations, and I find Doty’s demeanor to be truthful.

The contents of this interview are also remarkable. Because I see this interview as being strait forward, honest, and believable, this is the link I will cite to go with the article. Other links will follow. Definitely worth a watch, if you are going to look up anything as a result of this article.

Richard Doty’s Interview

Dan Burisch
The claims of Dan Burisch to me, are less valid than others I have cited above. Complicating matters is his self-congratulatory and bragging demeanor, which leads one to think he might have been exaggerating parts of his account (like a certain politician we might know of.) 

Burisch’s claim to fame is his account of working with the visitor known as J-Rod, a name given this being by those who were part of the program. While Burisch’s insights are interesting, what gave me a pause was that Burisch was the original source from which I heard about Project Looking Glass, a device which, by manipulating gravity waves (and as we know, space-time is closely associated with gravity,) allows one to “see” into possible threads of the future and the past. That Lazar also mentioned Project Looking Glass has me giving new consideration to Burisch’s story, although still with skepticism.


Dying Man’s testimony

A former CIA agent who joined the army in 1958, sees fit to reveal all he knew about UFOs and his brief, personal interaction with Eisenhower. Eisenhower’s reaction, as related by this man who has *nothing* to lose, smacks of truth. “You tell whoever is in charge (of Area 51) to get to Washington next week or I am going to mobilize the first army from Colorado, and we are going to smash that place wide open.” Interestingly, he corroborates Bob Lazar’s story regarding area S-4. Also briefly discusses different types of Grays, as postulated by Dan Burisch. Absolutely worth a look, although I disliked that the video was cut/edited at certain points.


I could go on and on beyond these citations. The video evidence of UFOs, as recently affirmed by the Pentagon as true. The hundreds of instances of corroborated, multiple witness accounts, over many years, both with and without physical traces left behind. 

In the end, I suppose that one might say that whatever one’s beliefs are, they will continue to tend to believe whatever validates their world view, regardless of evidence, testimony and proof which is offered. 

I recently saw a UFO program on TV and it made me livid with the continuous speculative and misleading, unanswered questions. Actually yelled at the TV at one point- “No!” The UFO community, by and large, should be considered skeptically, as Richard Doty affirms. 

As for me, I will keep my eyes to the sky. Not looking for UFOs or evidence, mind you, but to the Lord of Hosts who made us all, and His son. Our Maker, Creator, and Redeemer, to whom we owe honor and glory and love for He first made and loved us. There are truths we do not understand. For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.