Had kind of an uncomfortable discussion/typed conversation yesterday with an acquaintance about this topic. They posted about all the possibilities when an abortion might be considered as warranted. I pointed out that over 95% of the time, a different consideration was the reason for abortion, which I left open for consideration. Then all the crap broke out.
I was accused of sexism and forcing religious morality on others. My faith was questioned with "Christian" being typed in quotation marks.
Here's the deal: this new form of Molochism is a religion to some, who are deceived by the enemy of mankind. To question any tenet of it (with science, DNA or otherwise) is offensive as it causes them to have to deal with the idea that they may be in error, and ultimately, answerable to the Almighty Lord of Hosts, which they do not want to consider. I speak first and foremost as an incredibly flawed and sinful individual, broken and battered by my choices, and not in judgement of those who hold different views. That privilege is the Lord's and His alone.
I am having some difficulty trying to be inoffensive and loving (which my late Christian friend Mike espoused, the one who asked whom he might pray for daily) with proclaiming truth, which seems to be profoundly lacking in today's society. In my discussions with Mike before he passed away, we came to an understanding that love and truth must walk hand in hand.
The argument which I was given in the discussion with my abortion advocate acquaintance was that I must speak scientifically without religion or morality being considered. The point that was missed was that all morality (or lack of it,) be it good or evil, had a religious context. Thus, in stating that all discussion be without moral consideration, they were actually drawing religion into it without even realizing it. The question that stands out is, what religion, with its own set of beliefs, practices and sacraments does one adhere to?
The same could be said of some of my atheist friends, who devoutly defend their positions with religious fervor, and denounce their Maker amongst one another in support, tickling their ears with support of their own conclusions, which, sad to say, will lead to a dire end. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
Paul's argument of God's existence stands to this day. Nature itself testifies of His glory and majesty. Fatefully, some have taken this and twisted it to worship the creation rather than the Creator.
Regardless, I feel I must stand up and let my voice be heard whenever helpless, unheard ones are attacked and deemed less than human. May God have mercy on us all.