What Is Going On in the US?
The question “What in the world is going on in the US?” is a complex one. As I mentioned briefly during our discussion last Sunday, the answer is spiritual, which I will address shortly. It is also partly the result of children who were raised to disrespect authority and have no bounds for their behavior and no consequence for their actions. These children were subjected to left thinking Marxist philosophy in college and lacking a relationship with God, have adopted the cause as their own.
The cause, BLM, has released the following list of demands: total and complete dissolution of police across the nation, reparations for descendants of slavery, an elimination of the nuclear family structure, abolishing all prisons, a redistribution of all wealth, and the elimination of all drug offenses. They have claimed that if their list of demands is not met, they will “burn the system down.” Some news reporters have said, no, what dissolution of the police means is (a crappy rationalized view of locals policing themselves) and this was shot down by the new celebrity of the young in congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who said, no, total elimination of police is exactly what we meant. Frankly, I am astonished, not only at their demands, but that they might have garnered serious support by the young and left leaning segment of our population.
Further, the media has become essentially hopeless. As illustrated by a resignation of a producer on MSNBC, the narrative is *not* reporting the news but generating revenue. What I have seen is the left continually blaming conservatives on what they are doing themselves.
As recently reported on the Timcast IRL, what we are seeing now is a set up. As you might have seen, reporters have been dogging Trump with questioning massive mail in votes (not verified absentee ballots) and “community hand gathered votes” from Democratic proxies (i.e. cheating in the election.) In June a “dry run” of various scenarios for the upcoming election were role played and run through by some RINO never Trumpers and former Democratic governors and politicians. If the election were anything but a landslide for Trump, the results, according to the predictions in the role play were dramatic. Cities would go beserk with rage and in one scenario, California, Oregon and Washington would secede from the union.
I am concerned that a second civil war may engulf us. I think we need to hope and pray for the best and prepare for the worst, and to repent and pray for our nation. I will be glad if I never have to use the survival accessories I have gathered.
So with all this in mind, I’ll move into the spiritual side of things. I recently spoke with a Christian brother and friend of my youth. He writes the daily Christian blog of Aramis Thorn, excellent Christian thoughts of his struggles and observations from a Christ centered point of view. He confirmed my suspicions that this is a spiritual war with the enemy of mankind pulling the strings of the world. He also helped me greatly with his take on communication. He said, “Glenn, I use the thought ‘Because Christ loves you…’ before making any statement, and that has helped me to moderate what I say and write, because Jesus’ love is what is most important in what the world sees in us. Profound and timely.
I also found illumination and clarification in the video Social Justice and the Gospel: The Statement Framers Panel. Lots of good ideas there, including the idea that scripture is not just completely inerrant, but also completely and totally sufficient. We should approach this ideology not as Eve approached the serpent, but as David approached Goliath. Towards the end of the video, they address the idea that this movement is actually a new religion, with transposed words and behaviors that imitate and take the place of Christian thought and practice. The postmodern intersectionality equivalents:
1. Original Sin- white privilege, being white, racism
2. Born again- wokeness
3. Sanctification- activism, kneeling as in prayer, denial of all individual responsibility and acknowledgement of wrongs by race
4. Orthodoxy- political correctness, the expanded canon, *with* responsive recitation. I am reminded here of the Romans demands to Christians to say the words “Caesar is Lord.” This is equivalent to the new demand “Say the words Black Lives Matter.” It is a capitulation of thought.
5. Unification and Indwelling of the Holy Spirit- unification of perceived oppression, where the ultimate goal is in fact, division
6. Church discipline- public and electronic shaming and “cancellation.” See my favorite apologist, David Wood, for more on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbb0czjt7go
7. The reformer Martin Luther- Martin Luther King Jr.
8. Redemption- there is no redemption in this belief system, there is perpetual penance; the goal is ever moving forward; no amount of dedication is enough, and no amount of rejection of this ideology no matter how small is enough to escape rejection, damnation and denunciation
9. The canon of scripture- Sociology
10. Tithes and affirmation of ideology. This has just recently been affirmed by the actions of BLM in Louisville, Kentucky. Groups went around to stores demanding that a poster of BLMs ideas be posted in their shop windows, along with statements of apology and responsibility. Demands included 23% of all employees be black, 23% of the operating budget be with black owned businesses, and failing that, 1.5% of all net income be donated to black advocacy groups. When one immigrant Cuban restaurant refused to comply, a group of discontent protestors arrived to demonstrate what might happen if they continued resisting. Sounds like the mafia to me.
Ultimately, in my opinion, this is all coming about as a fulfillment prophesied in scripture. Jesus said in the gospel of Matthew that in the last days, men would return to the way they were in the days of Noah, when God punished the world for their evil ways. Additionally, there is prophecy in the Revelations of St. John that said Babylon, the center of the world economy would fall and great would be the fall of it. I know of some pastors who say Babylon in these writings represents the US.
Truth and love need to stand hand in hand. We need to illuminate truth in a world of lies, and we need for love to shine from our hearts without compromise to this new, false religion which represents a greater threat than worldly matters. Let God be true, and every man a liar.
Here is the link for the entire discussion: Social Justice And The Gospel: The Statement Framers Panel
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