Monday, October 29, 2007

Heroes: The TV Series

There is a new series on TV that I have recently been watching called "Heroes." In it, normal people have been afflicted or blessed with different, unusual genetic powers, such as mind reading, regeneration, invisibility, flight, and the generation of radiation. Some of these heroes use their powers benevolently, others, to commit theft and murder. Note: none of them wear the typical tights one associates with comic books, lending a small amount of suspension of disbelief. One "hero" (the villain of the series, Sylar, a former watchmaker) even has the ability to gain the powers of those he destroys. So he runs around trying to find these unique genetic mutants, and uses his power of telekinesis to gruesomely remove the crowns of his victims heads, skullcap and all. One objective of all the other heroes is to stop Sylar and those who are like him who use their powers to destroy. It's good verses evil, with power corrupting those it touches, to a lesser or greater extent.

Another one of the themes of the show which I find interesting is the idea of everyday people (although truly unique) being able to have an impact on great events that affect us all. It seems as though we as individuals are powerless to make an effectual lasting change in our world for the betterment of mankind. Hiro Nakamura, who can bend time with his mind, tells his friend (who has no superpowers) "It is not our powers that makes us heroes. It is the choices we make."

That being said, I wanted to make two comparisons. First, we have all been like Sylar. We have all cut through bone and sinew without thinking, and sometimes on purpose.

With our words.

I am very aware of this in my own life. At times in the past, I have made statements in an attempt to be funny, in order to be liked and accepted. I have belittled others to make myself look better. How this hurts and wounds others in ways we could never imagine. For the spirit is not subject to being bandaged. One cannot use antibiotics on this jagged, dirty wound. Even if one could suture it up, it would not remove the pain it causes, nor cleanse the wound, nor remove the scars which are left behind.

This also hurts ourselves, for we become numb to the destructive forces we wield so indiscriminately. Like Sylar, the serial killer, we no longer see the pain and anguish we cause, being drunk on revenge or other less than savory motivations.

We must be careful with our words, weighing and measuring them out, especially when angry- choosing not to return wrong with wrong and pain with pain. What is beneficial? What is good? What is truth? These are things which must be considered.

Secondly, I would say this: we all have the capability to be heroes. And we all have a "power" if one would call it that, although it is not "ours" per se, but rather a matter of our very nature.


In prayer, the temporal touches the infinite. Our blindness in our limited earthly view becomes limitless in the act of praying to our Maker, for even though we do not see, He does. The simple act of prayer can release unseen forces, angels, to do spiritual warfare in the name of love, and to do God's will in our lives. In prayer, we humble ourselves, and recognize God's sovereignty and authorship of our lives, beautiful gifts given to us to treasure and give back to Him.

We can have an impact on our world. We can make a significant difference through prayer, and through the choices we make.

So, in light of the above, I ask you this:

Whattya gonna do about it, hero?

Friday, October 26, 2007


OK, well, time to come out of seclusion (not that anyone reads this rag.) It's been a couple months since I was last actively writing and in that time I have been fighting off a nasty respiratory infection and trying to stay ahead of my responsibilities at work. Today I go to the doctor for my x-ray results and to see how the antibiotic he has given me has worked. During that time a number of ideas have crossed my mind, and I shall try my best to relate the ones that I can remember.

Among the ideas that have crossed my mind (usually on the way to work) is an intriguing one that has relevance and can make one think, then think again. It involves movie plots and the idea of time travel. Now most of the time when you have a time travel story, one of the protagonists (usually the comic relief) does something stupid and steals something or interacts with something that causes a split in the timeline. Now there are TWO futures, one being the normal one and one being the "new" future where Hitler wins WWII or something equally disasterous occurs and then it becomes a "how do we fix the timeline?" type of story.

The thought occurred to me.... What if, our timeline, the current one, the one that we know, was the one that was messed up? The normal is revealed as abnormal. The real world is exposed as the one being flipped upside down. For example, another group of time travelers show up, who may or may not bear a resemblance to our protagonists. They are amazed at the differences between our worlds.

World One Guy: How do you mean we are flipped around?

World Two Guy: Your politicians.... your lawyers.... they are among our greatest heroes. Honest, courageous, hard working, a model for all to follow.

WOG: Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! You have GOT to be kidding!

WTG: I am not. [Look of bewilderment]

WOG: (It quickly ceases being funny) But, absolute power corrupts absolutely....

WTG: Thats why we elect people to those positions who are worthy, and upright, and just.

WOG: What other differences are there between the two timelines?

WTG: Your government here kills people based on the definition of their "quality of life." According to our calculations, this idea will continue to grow. Eventually, all who all who disagree with government ideas and programs will be considered mentally defective, and they, too, will be destroyed. It's sanctioned, legalized murder, which will expand exponentially. All religion will be supplanted eventually with government approved philosophies. All thought and action will be brought under control.

WOG: Oh my God...

WTG: You see the necessity for our mission.

WOG: Then if these wrongs are to be corrected, for the timeline to be restored, that would mean the end of our existence.

WTG: Yes.

WOG: We are willing to help you in this, to right these wrongs.

Luke 9:24 "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it."

armchair coach
amateur historian