Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Freedom Truckers


Regarding the Freedom Convoy

We live in interesting times indeed. On one hand, we have truckers who object to mandatory medical procedures in order to cross borders. I agree with their protest. It is morally wrong to legally demand medical conformity of new technology, regardless of the reasoning behind it. My body my choice has reasonable considerations, so long as no one else, genetically, is harmed.

Even though the cause (freedom) itself is truly worthy, I think the methodology is wrong. It was wrong for the BLMers to block traffic and hence, emergency services ambulances, police interventions and firemen. It’s still wrong. Yes, the truckers are blocking the US/Canada border, and the goods and trade that flow through that narrow corridor. No emergency services are being disrupted, but economic considerations are being affected. The question is, what happens next time a group makes demands on government (which are possibly unworthy) and uses this method of blocking traffic to get what they want?

The considerations of how Antifa and BLM were covered in the mainstream media and its comparison in the freedom truckers is telling. To have financial institutions themselves deny donations to the freedom truckers while approving the funds that went to bail out rioters, arsonists, murderers, and looters is worrisome. Further, to have the government of Canada threaten to take away the children of these truckers as well as fine and imprison those attempting to aid them is, to me, the equivalent of totalitarianism and abuse of power.

I don’t like these considerations. I don’t like blocking arteries of transit and commerce either. I don’t like abuse of power. I don’t like how anyone who questions the political narrative is considered a racist, Nazi, white supremacist or other derogatory terms that clearly do not apply. Tension is simmering, and people are fed up with the lies that are being fed to us. The northern border is important, but the southern border isn’t? Illegal immigrants being transported around the country by the Biden administration in the thousands? Something isn’t right. Thank God my true citizenship is to a heavenly kingdom, and though I love my country, it is not my home. Christ in me, the hope of glory.

armchair coach
amateur historian

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